Disabled veterans dating sites

Dating > Disabled veterans dating sites

I am a Disabled Veteran and I am tired of being single. I lost my right eye while serving and am very self-conscious of it. I can't keep a boyfriend because many tell me that my eye freaks them out. I am a very pretty woman but I can't take it anymore. I looked online to see if there were any Disable Veteran dating sites but nothing came up. I also saw that many other Veterans were looking for the same kind of site. I want to make an exclusive Veteran and Disabled Veteran site where we can meet other Veterans. I also would like to add a live chat feature so Veterans can chat freely with each other about our problems. There will also be a Support area for updates on Veteran issues. I would need help setting this site up and working. Please donate what you can. Risks and challenges I will need to hire a local website builder since I am only familiar with making personal websites. I have a few friends that make sites but they live out of state. If anyone out there can help me and live in the Philadelphia area I would appreciate the help. I am passionate about starting this website as soon as I get the funding. There are no other sites like this so It would be a specialty. disabled veterans dating sites

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